Unit 10 Cultural Diversity in Health and Social Care

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Unit 10 Cultural Diversity in Health and Social Care The role of legislation to promote diversity Nontokozo M Makohliso Assignment 4 The legislation has different polices that come with their roles and responsibilities. These policies also have codes of practices that are put into motions planned by the government into action. The following police is one the many polices by the government: * The Equality Act is also one of the many polices that was covered by the legislation from the government. It came into force in the 1st of October 2010. The policy simplifies, strengthens and harmonises the current legislation to provide Britain with a new discrimination law which protects individuals from unfair treatment. It promotes a fair and more equal society and sets new standard for those who provide public services to treat everyone with dignity and respect. The Equality Act bring together over 116 separate pieces of legislation. Over the 116 pieces of legislation, there is also the main pieces. They are nine of them and these are: * Equal Pay Act 1970 * Sex Discrimination Act 1975 * Race Relations Act 1976 * Disability Discrimination Act 1995 * Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 * Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Employment * Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 regulations 2003 * Equality Act 2006, Part 2 * Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007 Other than the acts that are covered by the legation, there are nine characteristics that are also protected by it and these are: * Age * Disability * Gender reassignment * Marriage and civil partnership * Pregnancy and maternity * Race * Religion or belief * Sex * Sexual orientation The Equality Act basically provides a code for each policy that it protects. The example being the employment
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