Understand the Key Policies and Legislative Frameworks

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Understand the key policies and legislative frameworks that govern the provision of family support in UK home nation 1.1 Equalities act 2010 – replaces the existing anti-discrimination laws with a single Act. To remove any inconsistencies and to make the law simpler and easier to understand. It identifies nine ‘protected characteristics’ - age; disability; marriage/civil partnership; pregnancy/maternity; race; religion/belief; gender; sexual orientation; gender reassignment. There have been changes in relation to harassment, victimisation and positive action in relation to all nine ‘protected characteristics’. Anti-discriminatory law has changed mostly in relation to disability with new legislation now covering discrimination by association, perception and indirect discrimination. The law relating to direct disability discrimination now covers access to goods and services and not just work related discrimination. Under the new Act reasonable adjustments must be made where there is a substantial disadvantage. Service providers are now required to take steps in advance to address barriers that impede disabled people and not wait until a disabled person experiences difficulty before making a necessary adjustment. The UN convention on the rights of the child – adopted by the united nations in November 1989, spells out the basic human rights to which children everywhere are entitled. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child was ratified by the UK in 1991. It set out the principles for a legal framework to underpin all aspects for the care, development and education of all children. The articles cover: non discrimination on the grounds of gender, religion, disability, language, ethnic or social origin; civil and political rights; economic, social, cultural and protective rights. Particularly relevant for out of school clubs and play
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