Statutory Framework For Children

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The main current legislations and guidelines that apply within own UK Home Nation are: • UNCRC 2003 • Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2008 • Children Act 1989 • Children Act 2004 • Protection of children Act 1999 • Police Act 1997 • Working together to safeguard Children 2010. The United Nations Convention on the rights of the child (UNCRC) states that all children have the right to have their voices heard - weather this is on activities plans or what is happening in their lives, they should be allowed to express all their filings, anger, sadness, happiness, etc. so that they trust to say everything bad that is happening in their lives. Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2008 sates…show more content…
It states that children are best cared for within their own families, but, it also sustaining the instance if parents are not cooperating with statutory bodies. The children Act 1989 requires you to follow and always put the welfare of each child at the top of you priorities in all you work. It is the child right that their interests always takes priorities over the interest of parents, your colleagues, you and your setting. It is the most important reform of the low concerning children over the last century. It's bought together the legislation concerning the care and up brings of children in both private law, which applies to children affected by a private dispute such as divorce proceedings and public law which covers children who are in need of help from a local…show more content…
Working together to safeguard children 2010 it sets out how organizations, agencies and individuals working with children should work together to safeguard and promote their welfare in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and Children Act 2004. It is an updated version of the 2006 Working Together document. It is important that all practitioners working to safeguard children and young people really understand their responsibilities and duties as set out in primarily legislation and associated regulations and guidance. The Every Child Matters policy details the UK government policies and protecting the most vulnerable children with our society. The National Curriculum is for children over 5 years of age. National curriculum recognizes the importance of the unique welsh culture and heritage. The national curriculum in England was introduced following the education reform act 1988 and has been used in all schools ever since. It is a set of curriculum to ensure standards are consistent across the
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