Unit 1 Childcare and Education Cache Level 3

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Unit 1: An introduction to working with children E1 - In childcare there are many different types of settings working with children, they can be statutory, voluntary or private. Clubs like Scouts, Beaver’s, Cubs and Brownies are all from the voluntary sector. This means the people who run the clubs are doing it free of charge. Volunteering their time and experience to look after and help the children at these clubs to learn new life skills. The private sector are services like child minders babysitters and crèches these are all paid for by the primary parent/ carers to care for their children. They are used mainly if the parent/carers are working or are going out generally when they are too busy to look after their children The statutory sector is the main sector because it includes the schools and nurseries. All children must attend the statutory section to be educated and develop fully. The majority of the statutory sector is paid for by the government unless you go to a private school or nursery. “Everybody has to go to school by law” this is part of the, - Education Act (2010) E2 - Even though these sectors all seem different they share a main key factor which is that their aim is to teach the children and help them develop. By using the parents/ carers support, funding and most importantly the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for under 5’s which gives the settings guidance on what they need to educate and how they educate the children. The national curriculum is in place from over 5’s to 16 this is used throughout schools in the UK. This helps the families because the settings help look after children and also help develop the children’s education. This also allows the families to go back to work while their children are being looked after so the parent/ carers can earn some money to give their children a higher standard of life. This also gives the

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