Supporting Teaching and Learning in the Classroom

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Summarise entitlement and provision for early year’s education- Government within the United Kingdom sets out certain guidelines within the education sector, which outline what each child is entitled to within their education. There are two main legislations know as Every child matters and the Children’s act in which the government states that every child aged 3 and 4 are entitled to 15 hours of free child care each week. Although parents would have to contribute to any additional childcare their child required. These funded hours are available within many different childcare and education settings such as school nurseries, private nurseries and childminder facilities. The early year’s foundation stage have particular targets which they are required to meet, although these are introduced in the notion of learning to play which assists teachers to identify the learning aspects within children’s playtime. There are many ways in which learning through play can be introduced into the early year’s sector with many of them being incorporated into ordinary classroom learning. There are many differences in the way the early year’s foundation sector is set out and delivered. Within England this curriculum is available for all children aged between 3 and 5 whereas in Whales this is known as the Early Years Foundation Phase and is set out for all children aged between 3 and 7. Scotland is very similar in the sense that children receive their early years education along with their early primary stage education. This is good as it means any child that is not ready to move on would stay within the early years phase until they became ready. Northern Ireland's set up for the early years education is different in the sense that any child within years 1 and 2 receive their foundation stage education. Whichever way the EYFS is set out it all leads to the same hopeful

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