Understand Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care or Children and Young People's Settings

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Know the statutory responsibilities and rights of employees and employers within own area of work 1.1 List aspects of employment covered by law: Minimum wage Holiday entitlement Training Contacted hours Health and safety Discrimination, bullying and harassment Sickness Training Breaks Maternity leave Notice 1.2 List main features of current employment legislation: Health and safety at work Act 1974 Discrimination and Harassment Law Equality Legislation Equality Act 2006 * Disability Rights commission * Equal Opportunity Commission * Commission for Racial Equality 1.3 Outline why legislation relating to employment exists: The Laws set in any area of employment are the minimum acceptable conditions employees are allowed to work to prevent exploitation. For example, the Equal Pay Act 1970 is to remove discrimination between men and women in pay, bonus, holidays and sick leave. Employers and employees need employment legislation to be certain of their position and to understand the correct way to behave at work, e.g. the health and safety policies at the Pre-School are in place to protect those who work there, as well as the children under the staffs’ supervision, of any risks and what to do in any event of accident/emergency. 1.4 Identify sources and types of info and advice available in relation to employment responsibilities and rights: The employment responsibility and rights sources and information available internally within the Pre-School are the Manager, Deputy Manager, Chairperson of the Management Committee, the Policy booklet (containing various policies such as Confidentiality, Health and Safety, Health and Safety Outdoor area and more), informative sheets handed to employees in the induction, ongoing training (e.g. First Aid), the in-house training, supervision meetings and weekly staff
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