Trustworthyness Essay

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Trustworthiness is very important in life and school. It can help you get through school easier. Teachers will trust you with more things such as helping them and turning in assignments on time. Trustworthiness can also make you better student because teachers will know that they can trust you to follow classroom rules. It will also make you a better student because you can trust yourself to do things on your own without someone constantly telling you what to do. When teachers need help with things such as moving books or grading assignments they sometimes ask their responsible students for help. If you're not trustworthy the teacher will most likely not ask you for your help. Usually teachers will respect you more if you're trustworthy because they know you will respect them. Building trust is sometimes difficult but as long as you tell the truth it shouldn't be too hard. Turning in assignments on time shows your teachers that you are responsible and they can trust you more. This is because they know you're responsible enough to remember to do your work. If you can't turn in your assignments on time then that show's that you can't be trusted with remembering to do your work. A way to become a better student is to turn your work in on time. This will probably show your teachers that you are responsible and trustworthy. Following the classroom and school rules may also help you become a better student. If you obey what the teacher asks you to do, chances are you will earn trust from them because they know you can follow the rules. Usually school rules are more strict than classroom rules but they are not hard to obey. Trustworthiness is a very important for a student to have. Being a trustworthy student is not difficult. The short film we saw in life skills was about trust and there was a part when a guy said that he would lie to his parents when they asked
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