Transformational Leadership Essay

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Transformational Leadership (TL) has long been a leadership style that many managers have followed. This type of leadership focuses on the passion, inspiration and vision within a person. Nearly my entire professional career has been spent working in non-profit management, where I have been fortunate enough to work alongside a few exceptional leaders. I was fortunate enough to work with a manager that was the epitome of a transformational leader. Throughout this experience I was given an enormous amount of support both personally and professionally. As a result it has truly molded me into the leader I am today. Being in a leadership position is very important and carries with it a lot of responsibility. The leadership style I exhibit today is one that is proactive, helping my staff to implement new ideas and empower others to fulfill their greatest potential both personally and professionally. This analysis will discuss the leader’s experience with performing transformational and the impact it has on the individuals for which they manage. Introduction The purpose of this analysis is to discuss the Transformational Leadership style and the impact it has on employees from the subordinate perspective. As a result of my own experience working with an exceptional leader it has help to guide me into a transformational leader myself. Early in my management career, I was not as informed and did not see myself as proactive, inspirational and empowering. However, after working with a phenomenal leader for so many years, it made a lasting impression on me. The leader for which I worked exhibited a number of qualities which include being flexible, supportive of my professional development, fair and equitable in decision making, showed a genuine interest in my personal growth and accomplishments , in addition to balancing work life and other obligations. Context

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