Trade Places Essay

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If you could change places with one person for a period of time, who would it be? A friend? Family? Celbrity? Cartoon character? Dead or alive. After answering that question have you even thought about other people you would like to change places with? I have one person in particualar, and that person's name is Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs has paved the way for thousands of new electronics, and in the consumer business. Steve Jobs is the previous owner of Apple; The company of which you know has produced the iPhone, iPod, and iPad. Kids now a days, have their on iPad's, and iPod's, even possibly their own iPhone. The fact that Apple has marketed to the younger generation has been asstounding to me. Steve has been able to target the right audience to buy his products, therefore making him one of the weathiest people in the world. Steve is a advertising genius that is one of the reasons why I would love to trade places with him. Another reason why I would love to be Steve Jobs, is because of how much money he made. Steve jobs was the one of the top earners in the world hen he was live, and still to this day makes a ton of money, even though he is dead. Steve Jobs net worth is 10.8 billion dollars. Just let that sink in and realize how much that really is. Thats a lot of money huh? Even today he makes over a million a month. And he is DEAD! I want to make money when im dead. That one fact shocks me. The last reason I would trade places with Steve Jobs is because not only did he run Apple Inc., he had a hand in Pixar Animation Company. Pixar Animation Company is one of the biggest animation companies in the world. They have produced workds such as UP, Monsters Inc., and A Bugs Life just to name a few. So not only does he own one of the biggest electronic companies in the world, he also had his hand in one of, if not the biggest animation studios in the world.

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