Gates vs. Jobs: Who Is on Top?

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Technology is something that is only going to evolve over time and will continue to be present in our lives. With these powerful creations come their creators. One of the biggest comparisons made in our society is Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Apple’s Steve Jobs. Most of our society today has witnessed first hand the growth of both of their enterprises. As one compares the two individuals, you can see even though Microsoft is a more popular choice, because of Steve Jobs, Apple has made a greater impact on today and has created a bigger legacy. Something that gave Gates more publicity was his charity donations. Bill Gates has invested a third of his wealth in charities around the world including one he started himself, which he eventually made his full-time job in 2008. Although Steve Jobs did not make any public donations, he has admitted to submitting anonymous donations and in his early years tried to start a foundation, but it fell through after a year. Both are businessmen, and both are trying to “revolutionize their respective fields” (Anderson). Gates began with more of a focus on performance rather than physical design, but what he didn’t take into consideration was the space needed to house the components. What sets Jobs away from Gates was his approach to the idea of “personal computer.” When Apple began designing the laptop, Jobs knew that it had to be small in order to be a personal computer. With that he began designing the case, since he was going for compact, he made his development team focus on using metal for cases rather than plastic. In doing so he created the titanium- aluminum solid body case that becomes the iconic look for the apple devices. Although Jobs did get the head start on size, Jobs did admit in later years, “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” By then Gates had Microsoft Windows underway

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