Top Ten Most Important Events in History

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My Ten Most Important Events In History Over the many years of civilization many important events have occurred. But for this Essay I am given the choice of the ten I think are the most important. So here are my top ten most important events in history and why they were important. Arranged in chronological order from the date they occurred. The event on my list that happened first is The Creation Of The Universe. The creation of the universe for obvious reason is the first and most important event on my list. There have been debates about theories on how the universe was created, one of them being the “Big Bang” , and others having to do with religion. But while we and scientist may not agree on how the universe was created, I think we all can agree that if someone or something hadn’t created the universe and every thing in it then we wouldn’t be here on this earth today. Following the Birth of the universe on my list is the beginning of the the Cenozoic Era know as the Neogene Period. This period is also considered the start of human evolution. It was during this time that the first human like ancestors, the hominids, appeared in Africa. They also moved into Europe and Asia during the Neogene Period. The Next event on my list is the Neolithic Revolution. The Neolithic Revolution was important because at this time people started farming, new technologies were being invented and people started coming together. The Neolithic Revolution began when people started to practice farming. This Revolution enabled people to become food producers for the first time. Population grew rapidly due to this change in life style, and with this growth people came together. The Renaissance is the next most important event on my list. The Renaissance was a really important turning point in Western thinking and cultural tradition. The Renaissance period
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