To What Extent Was the Domestic Policy Pursued in West Germany in the Period 1949-57 an Unqualified Success? (45 Marks)

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To what extent was the domestic policy pursued in West Germany in the period 1949-57 an unqualified success? (45 marks) Many domestic policies were pursed in West Germany between 1949 and 1957. These resulted in many political and economic developments, many of these being seen as being successful. The most important policies were created by Adenauer and Erhard. One political policy that was a major success were the newly developed Basic laws. These were introduced to try remove any remaining Nazi or was legacies. One of the Basic laws was that a new political parliament known as the Bundestag was to be set up. This created a democracy in West Germany. This was successful because Safe guards were put in place to ensure that no one could ever take all power as Hitler Did when he was President of the post war Reichstag. The West German parliament made sure of this by making it so the president had to be elected into power, and didn’t have overall power over the government. Furthermore rules were put in place stating that parties needed at least 5% of the votes in order to gain a seat in parliament. This was a success as it prevented any extremist parties from getting seats within the Bundestag. One political party with in the bundestag was the CDU. In the 1949 elections the CDU won the elections by 1.8%, making Conrad Adenauer the Chancellor of the Federal Republic. Adenauer had to address problems such as Rebuilding war damage, which had damaged the economy due to commerce and industries being destroyed. One of Adenauer`s policies that was a success was that he rebuilt 4 million dwellings by 1957, he did this through raising tax on buildings and capital assets to 50%. Although the result was that 110.4 billion DM were collected, it was less successful that first envisaged due to the level of inflation in Germany. This was because in 1951 there was a balance of
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