German Political Changes During Ww2

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Revolution is a fundamental change in power or organization that takes place in relatively short period of time. The term revolution means a change in power. The political changes in Germany between October 1918 and May 1919 helped a lot for the revolution to occur. As firstly then German revolution lead by the German navy refusing to attack the British Navy as they realised the war is lost and that attacking them would be a suicide mission. Soon other major German ports like Kiel and Hamburg were under the control of the navy. This made the Prince and Kaiser worry that a revolution might occur and so they decide to abdicate Kaiser and Prince leaving the control of Germany in Friedrich Elbert. This means the Government had more of a control over Germany and could make changes to keep the people happy and prevent revolution. Moreover in the October reform Ludendorff realised that Germany was loosing the war and so he wanted to shift the blame from the army government and land owners and at the same time get the best possible peace terms. Germany terns from autocracy to constitutional monarchy as the blame would be on the newly formed government the Reichstag. This leads to a revolution as the power has now been given to the civilians and the Kaiser and Democracy is no longer in charge. This means that the people now have a voice and can create a stronger Germany. Furthermore on 19th of January 1919 Germany had its first election for a National Constituent Assembly where 83% people suggested faith in the idea of democracy and 76/1% voted for pro-democratic parties. This is leads to a revolution as now the people are able to elect the government they think will be best for them and Germany. Moreover the Spartacist revolt in January 10th of 1919 which aim was to overthrow the Current Government and turn Germany into a Communist country. They have failed to
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