The Widow’s Mite: It Is Not the Size of the Act, but the Cost

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The Widow’s Mite: It Is Not the Size of the Act, But the Cost Karen Curtis ENG 122: English Composition II Instructor Fawn vonFrohling August 5, 2013 The Widow’s Mite: It Is Not the Size of the Act, But the Cost The term ‘hero’ has been diluted from what it used to mean. A hero used to be someone worth looking up to, someone to pattern your life after. One of the Army Values is Personal Courage, defined as facing moral fear and continuing on the right path even when unpopular. Personal Courage is built by standing up for and acting upon things that are honorable. ( Too often headlines focus on negative headlines. Abu Ghraib, Graner, England, Ambuhl, these names are known. No one remembers the name Joe Darby. He turned in the pictures that opened the investigation of the mistreatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib. He knew it would be unpopular. He did not know how bad it would be. Before being removed from theater, he spent several months sleeping with a loaded pistol under his pillow. His home town has branded him a traitor. His family has stopped talking to him. He basically had to give up his old life and start over. “But I don't regret any of it. I made my peace with my decision before I turned the pictures in. I knew that if people found out it was me, I wouldn't be liked. That's why I wanted to be anonymous. I knew what the mentality is up there. But the only time I have ever regretted it was when I was in Iraq and my family was going through a lot. Other than that, I never doubted that it was the right thing.” (Darby, 2006) This is true character. Heroes are not limited to the battlefield, they can be found at lunch counters and on bus seats. Heroes stand up for what is right, not what is easy. Even though a hero does not have to risk life and limb on the battlefield, a hero does still

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