Procrastination Essay

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My most important life lesson is "Do not procrastinate". Till a few months ago, I was a huge procrastinator. I'd find 100s of reasons to not do something no matter how important doing that was. My grades suffered, my self-esteem suffured and my relationships suffered because of it. Any problem in my life, I knew what I had to do to solve it. I just would find reasons to put off doing the actual work. I hit a low point a few months ago when I almost lost my job because of it. The actual details are a story for another time. I put myself under a microscope and analyzed most of my failures/guilts/weaknesses and I realized how pervasisve slacking off was in my life. I realized that procrastination is not a bad habit, it is a bad lifestyle. I didn't just put off doing the most important work, I put off all positive efforts I could've made in my life. It was a moment of epiphany for me, I said to myself that I won't procrastinate, starting tomorrow (see the pattern). A few days later, I met a college friend of mine. He was a completely average guy. I (assumed that I) was much smarter than him. But whle measuring up my life with him, I realized how wrong I was. I'm a smartass who succesfully talked himself out of doing all small but important things in my life. He did all small, even mundane things, with average dedication. I was being smothered by all of the what-ifs I'd accumulated over the years. What if I'd gone to that conference? What if I'd finished that project on time? What if I'd called her that time? That time I realized procrastination takes a lot of hard work. Blinding yourself to your duties and drowning yourself in one indulgence after another all the while ignoring the guilt that is building up inside you is a lot worse than doing that work that time. That time I started saying to myself, "I'm not a procrastinator anymore". I started catching myself

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