The Wasteland Analysis

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It is disgusting reading that kids do not have any moral conscious. If you are encouraging deviant behavior, that spawned off of moral values that you know of. Society will never accept the behavior or immoral behavior. The deviant behavior will be looked down on, due to the fact that your actions should be for the greatest good for the greatest number of people. When you are just acting on personal wants, and gains, the result is selfishness. Learning morals is the simple lesson on not being selfish and having integrity. The kids in the essay The “Values” Wasteland were applauded for the arrest of an alleged rape towards several early teen girls. They say the school never taught them the rules about sex. I find that hard to believe, and that no one can blame the schools for the illegal allegation towards the kids. They should be taught at home that forcing your self on another; for sexual actions is no right! The essay told…show more content…
If society has values set in place, it has to be for a reason. The reason would be wasted if we decide not to install them into the youth of today. How do you feel about cheating? It is universal that it is wrong, but if its not enforced on the children and explained how morally and ethically wrong it is. Will they ever know that forcing yourself sexually on another person is right or wrong? You have to take every situation seriously and no have one set of lenient discipline on cheating and another brash discipline on sexual education. The values have to be taught, learned, and applied. The schools cannot have all the blame set on them. Their job is to teach and prepare them for the real world of “common sense,” and “common knowledge.” Values need to be clarified; it is obvious to see what is wrong and what is right. The battle up front is are we going to make the decision that is “right” or are we going to go “left” in
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