the uterus Essay

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The Uterus The female reproductive system has a major role in producing offspring. This is because of what is called the duct system in females. The duct system consists of the uterine tubes, vagina, and the uterus. The uterus plays a major role in reproduction. It is a hollow, muscular organ, shaped somewhat like an inverted pear (Marieb). This organ has muscular walls and a mucous membrane lining that is filled with a rich supply of blood vessels. It is located in the pelvis, above the urinary bladder. The broad ligament and the round ligament hold the uterus in place, is bent forward, in a position called anteflexion. The uterus is composed of three main areas: the fundus, corpus, and cervix. The fundus is the rounded, upper part of the uterus, above the entrance of the uterine tubes, which join at its upper end. The corpus is the major portion of the uterus, also known as the body. The cervix is the lower, narrow portion of the uterus. It opens to the vagina below it, and the uterus itself. Three major tissue layers make up the thick wall of the uterus; the endometrium, myometrium, and perimetrium. The endometrium forms the inner, mucosal layer. It lines the uterine cavity. The lining itself consists of glandular epithelium, connective tissue, and blood vessels. The endometrium has two layers, the basal and inner functional layers. The functional layer, according to the uterine cycle, varies in thickness. It helps form the placenta, supplying the nutrients needed for the development of the embryo. The myometrium is a very thick, muscular, middle layer composed of smooth muscle. It is bulky, making up most of the uterine wall. During the monthly uterine cycle and pregnancy, the endometrium and the myometrium go through broad changes. The perimetrium, also called the visceral peritoneum, is the outer layer made up of tough membrane. It consists of an outermost

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