P5 Fluid Balance

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Rose Dummgian P5 explain the dysfunction in relation to water balance and its possible treatments Kidneys “In humans, each kidney has a bean-shaped appearance with a convex and concave side.” The kidneys are bean-shaped organs and are about 11cm long and 6cm wide and 3cm thick. They are embedded in, and held in position by a mass of fat. The concaved area of the kidney faces the hilum which is the mid-line of the body. The renal vein and ureter vein surface from the kidney, at the hilum the renal artery goes into the kidney. The kidney is surrounded by a capsule membrane, each of these membranes are topped by the conical adrenal gland. Both the kidneys and adrenal glands are coated in adipose tissue. Gross anatomy When the kidney is presented in a longitudinal section it displays an outer darker cortex and an inner paler medulla. The composition of the medulla is made up of cone shaped pyramids known as medullay pyramids, the tip of these cones are pointed into the area where the ureter connects the kidney. “The medulla is further divided into numerous sections called the medullary pyramids.”This region is known as the pelvis of the kidney. The medullary pyramids have urine dripping into the pelvis. The branches of the emerging arterioles of the renal artery usually go along the border found between the medulla and cortex. The smaller branches given off at right angles provided million or more of nephrons into the cortex of the kidney. Structure and function of nephrons/kidney tubules “Nephron is the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney.” The nephron consists of a tubule closed at one end, the other and opening into a collecting tubule. The nephron is made up of a cup shaped capule connected to a coiled tubule, this then carries on into a section which is hairpin-shaped known as the loop of Henle, the next coiled tubule and also a
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