The Tainos and the Mayans

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The religious aspect of society was structured and significant. Priests were appointed not only through their religious commitment but also thought their literacy level. That indicates the importance that Mayan civilizations placed on literacy whereas the Tainos didn’t. The Halach Uinic was also referred to as the K’uhul Ajaw which refers to Holy Lord/ Ruler which demonstrates the close association between the king and God and in turn State and Religion. The Mayans also believed in ancestor worship and communication performed by the Halach Uinic and Shaman during their hallucinations. Blood letting was also an activity practiced by the Mayans as a means of sacrifice to wards their God and as worship. Firstly it was drained fro captives in war and prisoners as Mayans and then nobles’ blood were more treasured. The Halach Uinic’s blood was treasures to the point where his letting was compared and considered equivalent to the birth of a new heir. Blood letting was also used as a means of hallucinating because with the loss of blood came a weakened state from which visions could be seen and also from the bunt blood of the king visions would appear in the smoke of things to come. The Mayans believed in multiple levels of heaven and hell (13 and 9 respectfully) and that mountains were the steps to heaven and caves were the doors to hell. Therefore temples were constructed in a pattern symbolic of a mountain with steps leading up an incline to a holy sanctum on top. The temples were positioned towards heavenly bodies and a great emphasis was place on which side the entrance and exit should be found. The architecture of the temples closely linked sacred geography and astronomy as the Mayans believed that the actions of the relative planets had to do with the Gods. Temples were actually used as observatories to account for the planet alignments. They also acknowledged that

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