The Solution to Released Birth Records

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The Solution to Released Birth Records (973) Since the information of the release of birth records for adoptees has been stirring around there has been many debates pertaining to the impact the birth records would have on both adoptees and birth parents. “New Jersey lawmakers agreed on a bill that would allow adoptees access to birth records that have been sealed since 1940.” Writes Stephanie Akin in her article, “Releasing Birth Records Exposes Old Wounds.” Adoptees argue that their birth records are a part of their identities; however, birth parents argue that the release of sealed birth records would force them to relive a painful event in their lives. People put up for adoption believe that they should have access to their birth records to find out who they are. Stephanie Akin gives an example of all Bob MacNish, a man put up for adoption, has been through to find his birth mother. “’It’s important to know where you came from… we don’t have a history. Our history begins the day we were adopted into a new family,’ said MacNish.” Adoptees have been effected by not being able to know who their birth parents are. There is a sort of hole in their existence without that information. They believe that without their birth records their birth parents still have a control over their lives even though they gave up that right when they put their child up for adoption. MacNish states “that it’s not about his birth mother’s privacy, but about his right to his own history.” Another argument Suzette Parmley, Inquirer Staff Writer, writes about in, “A New Push to Open Adoption Files,” is that the release of birth records is needed to find medical history of an adoptee. Parmley uses “Susan Perry, an adoptee who was diagnosed with melanoma who needed admission to her birth records for medical reasons. When she started looking into finding her birth records she found out that

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