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Before you begin, save this document to your computer. You will need to submit your answers in the area indicated below. | Directions: | Part I: 1. Read chapters 1 and 2 of your “Language of Medicine” textbook. 2. Answer questions 1 to 3Part II: 3. Read chapters 1 and 2 of your “Insurance Handbook for the Medical Office” textbook 4. Answer question 4 to 6 5. Please remember to SAVE this document to your computer or “My Documents” on your computer. 6. Submit the saved file to your “Assignment Drop Box”. | Tips for answering questions: | * Read the question more than twice, if necessary, to make sure you understand what you are asked to do. * Find the key words in each question and construct your answer to address those…show more content…
| SAVE YOUR ANSWERS . . . .SAVE YOUR DOCUMENT BEFORE YOU SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT (See next page for question 2) Question 2: Dr. Reilly has a patient, Jessica Adams, who needs to have a cystoscopy. Jessica knows a family friend who has received a cystoscopy in the past. She believes that surgery is necessary, even though she has not been officially diagnosed.Use your knowledge of this week’s “Language of Medicine” lesson to answer the following questions, and solve Jessica’s confusion. a. What suffix is Jessica thinking of that means surgery? | 11 points | Directions to complete Question 2: * What suffix means surgery? | Jessica knows a family friend that had a cystectomy and is getting this procedure confused with a cystoscopy. Ectomy is a suffix, which means surgical removal, excision, and resection. | SAVE YOUR ANSWERS . . . .SAVE YOUR DOCUMENT BEFORE YOU SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT (See next page for question 3) Question…show more content…
. . .SAVE YOUR DOCUMENT BEFORE YOU SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT (See next page for question 4) Question5: Mr. Donaldson, a patient at New Hope Clinic where you work was in a couple of days ago for a service. Today, Mr. Donaldson, called stating his Medicare Claim was denied because as of two weeks ago he is no longer entitled to Medicare benefits. a. How would you handle this call? b. Would it be wrong to adjust Mr. Donaldson’s date of service so that Medicare would pay the claim? c. If so, why? If not, why not? d. What can happen to the clinic if they adjust the date of service? | 13 points | How would you handle the call?Type your answer here | Would it be wrong to adjust Mr. Donaldson’s date of service?Type your answer here | Why or why not?Type your answer here | What can happen to the clinic if they adjust the date of service?Type your answer here | SAVE YOUR ANSWERS . . . .SAVE YOUR DOCUMENT BEFORE YOU SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT You will earn additional points if you correctly submit the worksheet to the assignment dropbox. | 1 point | You will earn additional points if you use proper sentence structure, grammar and spelling. | 4 points | TOTAL POINTS | 50 points

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