The Shortage of Fresh Water in the World Is Becoming a Major Challenge

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Water is the source of life and the link that binds all living being on this planet. This essay will describe some problems and effects in the world, and explain how to solve the problems of fresh water shortage. The first and most important problem is that the accelerating growth in global population, there will be more and more people who don’t know how to saving water. For example, we can see some people always pour the water into the cups while brushing teeth so uninterrupted water until the end. However you should know water uninterrupted 50 seconds, use about 10 litres of water. In addition, water use for house-holds, industry, and agriculture will increase by at least 50 per cent in the next 20 year. [Issues] And a well-known example in developing countries is too much water is being wasted because we are using old ways of watering our plants, fruits and vegetables. There is not enough fresh water on earth, and we are just not using it properly, efficiently nor in the environment friendly way. A second problem is that some factories use of pesticide chemicals blamed for polluting water and health. Water quality and human health have a very close relationship. With the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or waste, which consequently results in the pollution of water. For instance, millions of people have no choice but to drink dirty water or polluted water that could kill them. Furthermore, between 2 to 4 billion people suffer annually from diseases linked to contaminated water. Every day over 9,000 people die of water-related illnesses. Every hour 400 people die of water-related illnesses. Every minute 7 people die of water-related illnesses. [Issues] In addition, polluted water and overused water sources lead to decrease in the number of marine life, even extinction of some species. The final problem is that the

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