Essay On Coastalization In Florida

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What has led to coastalisation in Florida and why is it a problem? Florida, dubbed the Sunshine state because of its climate, is the southernmost state in the USA with facing the Atlantic Ocean to the east and includes over 10,000 km of water surface with more freshwater springs than anywhere else in the US. Florida’s coastline is a popular destination for tourism and migration. But why is Florida really the 4th most populous state in the US? For one, the annual average temperature is 72⁰F with a warm, sunny, mostly dry climate which is perfect for outdoor activities and going to the beach which is suitable for tourism. Speaking of tourist attractions, there are numerous activities and sports to participate in available; such as the Busch gardens with theme park rides, animals and entertainment available, discovery cove which features dolphins, aquariums with the…show more content…
Firstly, the Everglades are an important ecosystem which reduces flooding and replenish aquifers but human actions are having a huge impact on the landscape. The rapid urban and agricultural development in the area has decreased the size of the wetlands dramatically which affects the organisms found there. This is especially important as it is home to several endangered species. Not only that, but invasive species that threaten existing wildlife by preying on or competing with them. According to, they’ve “contributed to nearly 70 percent of extinctions in the United States” and are the “primary cause of species endangerment.” The water itself is a major cause of decline to the area, firstly because of poor water management leading to water levels being too low or too high at the wrong times has caused a decline in many species. Secondly, poor water quality has had devastating consequences. The pollution and an abundance of toxins and nutrients has helped to kill off many living things in the
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