The Sheldon Theory

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The “Sheldon Theory” In the 1940s, Sheldon developed a theory that there are three types of bodies each associated with personality characteristics, representing a connection between physique and temperament. Those three types of bodies are endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph. That indicates that endomorph person is an oval-shaped body and large, heavy stomach person is personally slow, sociable, emotional, forgiving, and relaxed. As for mesomorph person is a triangular shape and a muscular, firm upright body person, is emotionally confident, energetic, dominant, enterprising, and at times hot-tempered. The last one is the ectomorph with a thin, fragile body is tense, awkward and a meticulous person. All theories have disadvantages, and for Sheldon theory, a person can never be identified by his or her body shape, or personality characteristics. A human being has a brain to think and heart to feel, and for example my friend has the same body shape of an endomorph but a personality which is completely different than what Sheldon theory stated. They are no scientific facts that state that the Sheldon theory is accurate. This The advantages of this theory, is that sometimes you can identify a person from his or her body shape and to know how to deal with them, for example if you were in an important meeting and you want to know the interviewer opinion you can identify it by facial expression and body language. In my opinion, I disagree with Sheldon theory and I think that is criticized theory because it overlooks people which you do not know. For example; after reading this theory I decided to not talk to one of my college which I thought that he was a mesomorph person which he was
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