The Role of Humor as Part of the Learning Strategies to Enhance Learning

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The role of humor as part of the learning strategies to enhance learning Discuss how humor and other "fun" things (cartoons, games, puzzles, etc.) can be used in the learning environment. Research establishes that the use of humor helps individuals cope with stress. The use of humor in educational setting serves a variety of positive functions beyond simply making people laugh. It has documented that the use of humor can benefit instructors in a couple of important ways, learners respond more positively to each other when humor is present because it brings them together. Humor builds group and class evenness but if humor is used divisively to belittle others, it weakens group unity. Instructors should utilize humor that laughs with students rather than at them. The different types of humorous material that can be utilized in the learning environment are cartoons, comics, or video clips. The concept of humor used in the higher learning is well-supported by some of the research scholars. Humor can positively affect the level of learners’ interest and attention. It’s a way to keep learners engaged and be involved in the course material (Strauss & Fulwiler, 1989/1990). What are appropriate and/or inappropriate places to use them? Humor related to the course material such as funny stories, cartoons, comics and humorous positive comments are almost always appropriate. Other kinds of humor are appropriate depending on the context and material presentation utilized by the instructor. Studies have shown the use of humor in an appropriate classroom setting for higher learning may lower learners stress level (Bonwell & Eison, 1991). Humor has negative impact when it is used as a mean of control and vulgarity. For example, given the power dynamic in the classroom, it is highly inappropriate for instructor to target students by making fun of their ignorance

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