The Rocking Horse Winner

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The Rocking Horse Winner Reading fiction can be not only very captivating and interesting, but also very useful. It helps us to look sometimes at the life from the other point of view and also have insight into life in general and into ourselves in particular. D.H. Lawrence’s “The Rocking Horse Winner” is a distinctive, interesting and even instructive story where we meet the protagonist, a young boy named Paul, who desperately wants love and approval from his mother named Hester, who considers herself to be an unlucky woman married to an unlucky man. To understand better this story, we must examine Paul’s character, the central conflict, as well as symbolism and irony in the story. Paul is a dynamic character and in some situations even a compelling character. On the one hand, Paul, one of three children of Hester, is a very sensitive and unhappy child because he feels his mother doesn’t love him, “She had bonny children, yet she felt they had been thrust upon her, and she could not love them” (Lawrence 35). Even though people say that she is a good mother who adores her children, Hester and her three children know that this is not so, as is evident from the next sentence, “They read it in each other’s eyes” (Lawrence 35). After one conversation with his mother, he understands that only lucky people have money. So, he decides that he is the lucky one and asserted to his mother that God told him about this. Since his mother doesn’t trust him, he is ready to do anything to prove her that it is true. Paul begins searching intensively for a “clue for luck”, and finds it while he is riding his rocking horse. Through some unknown force, Paul is able to predict the winner of the next horse race after frantically riding his rocking horse, “Wildly the horse careered, the waving dark hair of the boy tossed, his eyes had a strange glare in them” (Lawrence

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