The Reluctant Fundamentalist Warns Not Only Against Stereotypes About Muslim People and Countries, but Against Stereotypes of All Kinds. Discuss.

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The Reluctant fundamentalist warns not only against stereotypes about Muslim people and countries, but against stereotypes of all kinds. Discuss. The novel The Reluctant Fundamentalist brings out a message about stereotypical people. Mostly against the Muslim population. Mohsin Hamid expresses America is made out to be very prejudice of Muslim people in this novel. The arrogant American that meets up with Changez can be made out to have a strong dislike over Muslim people. However, the novel is more dependent and open to how the reader wants to take this. Hamid simply says what he can in this novel, even if it be racist, but each reader can take it differently. The American in the novel, whenever he is mentioned making a gesture or Changez describes his reaction, that’s the readers chance to think about what Changez is saying and can discuss their own thoughts on what might actually be said here or if the protagonist is saying the truth. Mohsin Hamid brings out the idea of American’s being stereotypical or prejudice, mostly brought out with the character usually referred to as “The American.” Changez likes to pick out at the start of chapters, something physical about The American’s features or gestures. Changez’s first describes him as “tall” and “barrel chested” and has features of “a seasoned army officer.” First is Changez’s appearance. His Pakistani background and his beard stereotype him as a religious Muslim. Changez says to the American “we have not met before, and yet you seem to know at least something about me. Perhaps you have drawn certain conclusions from my appearance, my lustrous beard…” Changez is not even religious. In New York City and even in Lahore, Changez’s appearance gives him the impression of being a Muslim, even though he is not. Changez’s notices so many things about the American and Changez makes it seem like he knows everything

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