Sexism And The Blame Approach To Divorce

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Women are usually given custody of children in the event of a divorce due to sex-based prejudice and gender roles' assignments. When awarding custody, the child/children’s best interest should remain the main priority. Examining each parent’s fitness in caring for the child/children, and choosing the best parent, regardless of gender, is essential. “It was recently estimated that sole custody of children was awarded to their mothers approximately 60 percent of the time, while joint custody was only awarded less than 30 percent of the time” (Just Law, 2014). These statistics for our country, as a whole, show the favoritism of mothers when dealing with child custody. Women are characterized as nurturing; therefore, men are not granted custody…show more content…
The following quote is discussing the issue of sexism and its relation regarding the Blame Approach: “The second approach also concentrates on blame; however it lays all blame entirely on men. This approach has been promoted by a brand of feminism, which holds the male-dominated patriarchal system responsible for all the evils in the world” (Zur 2). Men can also be victims of domestic violence, as well. Some men do not want to harm women or hit them, and women can take that to their advantage and be…show more content…
This certainly isn’t true, and Mexicans who are in the United States now face prejudice and stereotypes every day. “As a result, the stereotypes attributed to all Mexicans - however unfounded - may have been shaped unfairly by adversaries of illegal Mexican immigrants, even though they have a job and are hard workers” (Laws 1). Some judge Mexicans based on their language, skin color, education, and assumed social and economic status. This prejudice of Mexicans is due to their past history in Mexico and due to them belonging to a disadvantaged group. Many perceive southerners as uneducated, poor, and ignorant just by their accents and dialect. Linguicism is a major form of prejudice currently in the US. Many are judged by the way they pronounce words and their accents. Perceptions such as wealth, character, and education are made simply by the way others speak. A prime example of linguicism is southerners’ accents. Religious prejudice of the Muslim religion strongly exists today. Many feel that those who do not believe in their faith are bad and potentially harmful. For example, individuals feel Muslims are terrorists or bad due to their past during the September 11th terrorist attacks and other incidents. Furthermore, Christians are viewed as close-minded due to their conservative

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