The Principles of Infection, Prevention and Control

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The Principles of Infection, Prevention & Control Outcome 1 Infection is a major cause of human suffering. Even relatively minor infections can become more serious, leading to major infection and can, in some cases, lead to patient death. In addition to patient suffering, infection causes distress to family and friends. All employees are responsible for taking action to prevent the spread of infection, in accordance with legislation and local organisational policies and procedures. They also have a personal and moral responsibility, as members of a caring society and profession. There are many roles where infection control is important, these include: * Employees who work in communal living environments * Employees who work with hazardous substances * Employees whose work activities may expose them to infection Employees have responsibilities to: * Self * Colleagues * Employer * Clients/Customer * Visitors Employer’s responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection are:- * Write and communicate a health and safety policy, including an infection control policy * Carry out risk assessments to assess infection hazards and risks and ensure that, where possible, infection risks are eliminated * Provide equipment which is safe and properly maintained * Make sure there are safe systems of work and adequate supervision * Make sure safety procedures are followed * Provide a safe working environment * Provide employees with adequate information, training and supervision necessary to ensure their health and safety at work * Provide and maintain any necessary Personal Protective Clothing (PPE), equipment and safety devices free of charge * Provide adequate welfare facilities to allow employees to maintain good levels of person al hygiene (i.e. proper toilet and washing

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