The Principles of Infection Control

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The principles of infection prevention and control 1.1 As a health and social care worker you have roles and responsibilities in relation to infection prevention and control, including to * cooperate with your employer in preventing and controlling infection * know and understand your organisations infection prevention and control policies and procedures * follow infection control procedures and apply standard infection control principles to all situations at all times * know how to get advice on the prevention and control of infection and to stay up to date in your knowledge and understanding of the subject * make your manager aware of any difficulties you have in following procedures * report breaches in good practice and take corrective action as appropriate You also have a responsibility to be on your guard for potential outbreaks of infection or resistance to antibiotics and to inform your employer if you have any concerns. 1.2 Employers have a responsibility to regularly produce infection prevention and control reports describing: * Policies and procedures that are in place and how they are monitored * Any outbreaks of infection that have taken place and the action to rectify the problems * Education and training that has taken place * Planned improvements Employers have a responsibility to obtain and share with staff up to date advice and information about infection prevention and control from suitably qualified and competent individuals. 2.1 * Health and safety at work act 1974 * Management of health and safety at work regulations 1999 * Personal protective equipment at work regulations (PPE) 1992 * The health act 2006 * The health and social care act 2008 * Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations (RIDDOR) 1995 * Public health (control

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