The Interrupter Essay Questions

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Juvenile Delinquency Midterm Exam, Spring 2015 DUE DATE: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 (In class) This is a “take-home” midterm exam. The first part of your assignment is to view the documentary video “The Interrupters” (the link is provided below). After watching the video you are to answer the essay question below. The assignment requires you to incorporate all the material you have read for this class, the lectures and class discussions, outside references (if you are ambitious), and the information you glean from the video to answer all the parts of the essay question. You must use the APA Style of documentation for your paper. The length of the paper should be between 7 and 10 pages (remember that cover page, references, and tables are not included in the page count).…show more content…
A violence “interrupter” is a person who blocks the transmission of violence from one person to another. In the documentary that we watched, the concept of violence portrayed in the video was referred to as a disease. If violence is a disease, what are the factors that are responsible for the cause of the disease and what are the dynamics or methods that cause the disease to spread? Do you feel that utilizing “Interrupters” in our cities plagued by violence is an effective way of curbing the increase in violent behavior by the youth of America? Support your answer. Your written work will be graded using the following rubric: read this…it will help you get the grade you want! A | Excellent/Outstanding | Insightful and thoughtful discussion of issues brought up in course, shows synthesis and link between issues, often with reference to other relevant issues either from the course or from the general literature. Shows evidence of reading material, and integrating it with material from video/class exercises.
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