The Importance Of Tikanaga In Health Care

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The aim of this report is to identify how tikanaga is applied to achieve Nursing Council of New Zealand's commitment to enhance Maori health out comes. There will be discussion around Bay Of Plenty District Health Board (BOPDHB) and their implementation of the Treaty and how it is utilised and practised in terms of tikanaga, Tino rangatiratanga and Oritetanga within the health care setting. The framework of BOPDHP will be explored along with the Historical influences, guiding values, application of tikanga, Maori and non Maori discrepancies Lastly a discussion to summarise major findings within the report. Within the health care setting the kupu (word) tikanaga is based on principles, values, beliefs, practices and spirituality. Maori world…show more content…
According to Loschmann & Pearce. (2006). Among Maori there is a large amount of mortality which is attributed to diseases that had effective health care services available. This identifies dissimilarities in access to health care. Access to primary and secondary health services differ for Maori and non Maori. research identifies Maori are less likely to be referred for specialist or surgical care and receive lower levels of hospital care than non Maori. A survey has shown that 38 percent of Maori adults had problems with obtaining required health services in their local area compared to 16 percent of non Maori. (2) Socio economic factors also contribute to the poor health of Maori. Socio economic factors refer to the social standing of a individual or group, this is measured by education, income and occupation. Educational qualifications for Maori is critical for future employment status. Health and well being in Maori and non Maori populations is greatly determined by income, a high proportion of Maori receive low incomes which impacts on their access to healthcare and results in mortality and morbidity. (13) 1.2…show more content…
With introduction of christianity during colonisation Maori adapted karakia to acknowledge the new faith. Karakia are used during many situations such as meetings, ceremonies, birth, sickness, uncertainty and death. (12) Karakia within a healthcare situation are utilised during times of uncertainty and vulnerability. Maori recite karakia to maintain their spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health. Karakia is used to call for protection and guidance from tupuna (ancestors) and atua (gods) to increase positive health outcomes, for themselves and other.

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