Health Inequalities

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Core 1 – Health priorities in Australia – ‘Groups experiencing health inequalities’ For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: 1) Describe the nature and extent of the health inequalities experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Health inequity occurs when individuals or communities experience relatively high levels of a disease, or other health issue, due to circumstances which are quite often beyond their control. For example, some groups have shorter life expectancies, poor access to health services, higher levels of avoidable risk factors and/or reduced ability to make healthy lifestyle choices. Inequities refer to situations or actions that lack fairness or justice. Inequities refer to social or economic differences between people or groups. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a lower life expectancy than non-indigenous Australians. Indigenous males live 18.7 years less than non-indigenous males whilst females live 18.2 years less than non-indigenous females. Infant mortality is also…show more content…
The large majority of disabilities are of a physical nature, including arthritis, respiratory diseases, circulatory diseases and musculoskeletal disorders. A person who is handicapped is more severely injured and it relates to an individual’s limitations as experienced in more complex tasks, such as caring for one-self, moving around and communicating whereas people with disabilities can be defined as any limitations to normal functional abilities. People with disabilities may experience inequities due to financial constraints. Examples of these may include lack of access to employment opportunities and the possible need for ongoing health care. They also may face the fact that their life expectancy will become lower, they will encounter difficulties accessing health services and they’ll experience poorer health across a range of
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