The Heartache of an Immigrant Family

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When a person chose to leave the family to immigrate to the USA, it has a lot of consequences for both the person who immigrated but also his family which he left behind in search of a better life. The family will tear apart, especially if both of the parents immigrate to America and leave their children behind. In this case the relatives have to take care of the children; however it is not the same. The relatives may not love the children as much as their own parents do and as a result of that the children will feel like their parents did not like them since they left them behind, and in lack of the love they never got, the children will end up in the street in search of love. Some of them will end up in bad communities/societies, where they ruin/destroy their future. Their parents sacrificed everything to make sure that their children will have a future, but the children do not feel the same way. They will grow up like an orphan and wondering why their parents left them behind. The parents immigrated to America for their children sake, because they wanted to make sure that their children will have a future, where they can live in peace, yet the children sees it in a whole other way. The American government does not want illegal immigrant in their country and therefor they use billions of dollars every year to reduce the number of illegal immigrants. (p.2 l. 21) Still the number of illegal immigrants increases year by year. Studies made in the University of California have shown that 97% of immigrant who want to cross the border will eventually do it, no matter how many times the person get deported back. (p. 2 l. 22-23). So why not use the money on something which will actually result in something? The American government could use the money on the counties where most of the immigrants come from such as Mexico. The reason why the inhabitant chose to leave their
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