The Great Tree Of Avalon Novel Analysis

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Novel Analysis Chart Title: The Great Tree of AvalonAuthor: T.A BarronDate of Publication:2011 (in the new name) | Types of Conflict Provide examples for all that apply.Character vs. Character:Tamwyn having to fight the sorcerer who had taken the elano and made it into a crystal, wanting to be the most powerful being in Avalon Character vs. Self:Tamwyn was unsure of himself and downgraded himself. He didn’t believe he had the power or skill for someone who was supposedly the heir of Merlin and the Dark Child, but he did all alongCharacter vs. Nature:Tamwyn and his friends who accompanied him were against strong odds with the awful drought that had been steadily spreading trough the root-realms of avalonCharacter vs. Fate:Just like in character vs. self, Tamwyn doesn’t believe he has the power to do any of these things but in the end he shows everyone, as well as himself how much power he truly had. | SettingIdentify and describe the physical settings as they correspond to the hero’s journey.Home: RahnawynCall to Adventure: To find his brother and to stop Kulwych of the White Hands.Crossing the Threshold: When Tamwyn teams up with the others (Elli, Nuic, ect.)Road of Trials: Trying to find the sorcerer and save AvalonCrisis: He has to go against the great sorcerer who has made a damn, collecting all of the source of life of the realms.Salvation: discovering that tamwyn is both the Dark child, and the grandchild of Merlin, he has the power to save AvalonTransformation: He .has become a bigger, more confident person and has faith in himself, and has found a family of sortsCrossing the Threshold: He is coming back from his struggles with a new found sense of self and his brotherReturn: a sense of power and happinessTreasure: saving Avalon, finding his true selfHome: with his new friends Overall emotional setting (mood) of the novel: excitement, suspense | | |
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