The Great And Hrothgar's Battles In 'Beowulf'

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Briana Period 5 Beowulf Essay The Great and Mighty Beowulf sailed his way to Hrothgar’s kingdom to help fight off vengeful beast terrorizing his kingdom, little did he know of the adventures ahead of him. Each battle he fought glorified his strength and being. For Beowulf opening up one door always meant a new quest. From dragons to sea witches Beowulf’s fought for the greater good of his people. Through out his battles the great and mighty Beowulf not only grew physically, but at mind as well. Beowulf’s battles are glorified and have a significant meaning in his past battle, but he will be the great and mighty Beowulf on his next encounters. The battle with…show more content…
He didn’t fail any of his battles but dies in his last battle and the dragon as well. “Hail King Beowulf!” Beowulf was a Geat warrior who faced Evil monsters. In his first battle, he is the good because he fought the evil he sailed to Hrothgar’s kingdom to fight the monster. The battle with the evil mind of Grendel’s mother who seeked revenge for her son. It was Good vs. Evil for monsters who tormented the kingdom for years there time was done. King Beowulf was in another battle with the dragon Good vs. Evil where the evil dragon infuriated because some thieves tried to take some of his many treasures he ended there life and the good king Beowulf defeated the Evil dragon. It was Good vs. Evil where a good warrior fights for his glory then later battles for the good of his people by battling evil monsters for there good. As a great warrior and later a king he faces near death. The first battle with Grendel he risked his life, but he did to reach fame for the glory and to prove that he is the mighty Beowulf. The battle with Grendel’s mother he fought for the greater good of the people to stop the terrorizing that they have done for years. The battle with

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