Friendship in the Lord of the Ring: the Fellowship of the Ring

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English Composition I 27 April 2012 Friendship in The Lord Of The Ring: The Fellowship Of The Ring In The Lord Of The Ring: The Fellowship Of The Ring J.R.R. Tolkien tells tale of four friends that embark on a treacherous journey of danger and peril mixed with adventure and lore. The novel introduces you to four Hobbits and best friends Frodo Baggins, Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry), Samwise Gamge (Sam), and Peregrin Took (Pippin). These four friends, with the help of the great wizard Gandalf the Grey, are on a journey to save the Shire but along the way they get to meet many other cultures such as humans, elves, a dwarf and more. They also encounter unspeakable evil including Sauron the creator of the Ring, the Nazgul or Dark Riders of Mordor, Gandalf's nemesis The Balrog, the evil wizard Saruman the White. Through it all the friendship between these four Hobbits never waivers it only gets stronger as the journey goes on. Fate caused Frodo to inherit the Ring and it became his destiny to destroy it, but he undertook the task by choice to save the Shire and the Hobbits he cared about. It was his choice alone and while Sam felt responsible for Frodo as did his cousins Merry and Pippin it was their choice to accompany Frodo. While friendship may not have been the original reason Frodo left the Shire with these three it was definitely friendship and a strong sense of camaraderie that kept them together even after the journey became treacherous. Throughout the book, one can see the power of friendship that is exhibited. This book takes place at the end of the Third Age of Middle-earth. Bilbo Baggins had found a golden ring sixty years prior to the start of the book. The ring he found happened to be the one Ring that could unite all the other magical

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