The Destructor-Personal Narrative

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The destructor I can’t believe this, a stranger enters my gang, well i should say “T´s” gang now and my friends prefer to pay attention to him instead of their leader for a long time. How can this happen, I can’t really understand it. Mike, Summers, all looking and listening to him, as if he was something big. It was amazing, how can someone like to have him as the leader of a gang… I can´t understand it. All the anger came to my mind, I couldn´t keep listening to him anymore, so I walked towards the back of the car park. It was very silent, only a few cars were left there, I was mad, very mad and with all my anger I kicked a car and scrapped the paint. Many thought came to my mind, I was furious, I couldn’t believe it what did “t” had that made the…show more content…
This could to be famous; we could appear on the newspapers! Even grown u gangs would recognize us. Without thinking it twice, after realizing this could take as to the fame I went back to where “T” was standing. I stood there, and “T” was giving orders with decisions “right, you bring one, Blackie. But now there’s a difficulty. We want a hacksaw”. I realized after all that” wasn’t that bad, I could see the way he talked to the other boys, he was serious, and he and he had an intimidating look for all. I could also see he had very planes and clear what he wants to do. We all listened carefully to his orders. He ordered difficult things to all, he was asking for a saw, and without realizing my hand raised, just like the other members of the gang. I felt ordinary, how quickly had this change! A few weeks before I was the one giving orders and the boys were the ones working for me, now I was being part of the ones receiving orders, and I’m starting to have a good time after all. I assume I’m not the leader any more, but after all it wasn’t so bud and I think “T” was doing a great
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