Bartleby The Scrivener Essay

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In the story “Bartelby, the Scrivener” I have more sympathy for the lawyer than Bartelby. The lawyer in the story is an older man in his sixty who is trying to run a successful law office in New York city. As he explains in the story he does not deal with juries or draw down public applause his business is among rich men’s bonds, and mortgages, and title-deeds. The lawyer already has two copyist Turkey, and Nippers, and the third person was Ginger nut a young office-boy. The lawyer is looking to employ another copier and to his advertisement shows a lad by the name of Bartleby. The lawyer describes Bartleby as pallidly neat, pitiably respectable, incurably forlorn when he first lays eyes on Bartleby for the first time. When Bartleby first started working…show more content…
In the story there are many instances in which Bartleby refuses to do as instructed by the lawyer his explorer. I feel sympathy for the lawyer because it must be hard to deal with an insubordinate good worker. Bartleby does his work that he wants to do well. The lawyer is in a tight spot because he has two other copiers Turkey and Nippers who were employed before Bartleby and hear him disrespect the lawyer. I could imagine if I were them I would be thinking look at this new guy challenging the boss and doing it in a polite but direct way. Later in the story Nippers becomes angry at Bartelby and his actions and choice of words to the lawyer. Nippers tells the lawyer that he want to black Bartleby eyes. Nippers is twenty five years old he is young and as many young men today easily angered. The lawyers does not even know how to respond back to Bartleby many times as he denies what the lawyer ask of him to do. The lawyer is becoming confused and frustrated with himself because he can not quit figure Bartleby out. The lawyer

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