The Crucible Reflection

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The Crucible Reputation is the manner that others identify you as an individual. A person’s reputation can be a very powerful characteristic, good or bad. Throughout The Crucible, Arthur Miller’s characters had difficult decisions to make, all of which would affect the way that others viewed them as an individual. The reputations of each individual within Salem largely dictated his or her fate in the outcomes of the trials. In the witch trials, the dominant social structure was those who had a position of power. These individuals’ reputations and statuses gave these characters and advantage over those who had less power, and a poor reputation. As in society, persons who have a position of power and a pronounced reputation have the upper hand. This allows certain people to have advantages over others. In the play Wright, many of the characters face tough decisions, to protect their reputation or to protect their integrity. Some characters when confronted with a decision of this manner, could either choose to die a honored death, or to confess to witch craft and continue their life that was based on lies. A person’s reputation can be a very powerful characteristic, whether it is good or bad. In The Crucible, one of the characters, John Proctor, was faced with tough decisions throughout the trail. The first decision that he encountered was when he was called forth to defend Elizabeth Proctor. To save his wife, and prove that she was telling the truth, he confessed to having relations with Abigail. “IN her life, sir, she have never lied. There are them that cannot sing, and them that cannot weep; my wife cannot lie. I have paid much to learn it sir” -page 116 Despite the fact that Proctor was going to ruin his name, and reputation he chose to save his wife’s life. Then moments later in the trials, Elizabeth Proctor was called in to be questioned about the
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