The Andromeda Strain

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The Adromeda Strain The Andromeda Strain The basic situation of the novel is that bacteria is brought to the earth from space by a U.S. Military space probe looking for new weapons. After it comes to earth it kills all the people of the small town of Piedmont in Arizona except for a baby named Jamie Ritter and an old man named Peter Jackson and the bacterium threatens to wipe out all living creatures in its path unless a vaccine is invented to protect against it. Then the scientists can’t agree with the army and the President over the best way to fight the virus. There are lots of conflicts between the characters on the Wildfire team. Stone has a low opinion of Hall’s ability to help and thinks that Burton is a slob. Leavitt has an problem over whether or not his epilepsy should keep him from being on the team. Stone and Leavitt also decide whether or not destroying the Andromeda Strain is a good idea, since it may be a highly evolved organism. The story takes place in the small town of Piedmont, Arizona, which has been destroyed by unknown bacteria. The setting then moves to an underground government laboratory in Flat Rock, Nevada. The main people involved were Dr. Jeremy Stone, Dr. Mark Hall, Dr. Charles Burton, and Dr. Peter Leavitt. The scientists responsible for solving the problem were Dr. Mark Hall, a medical doctor and surgeon, Dr. Peter Leavittis a microbiologist and Dr. Charles Burton, professor of pathology. The other doctor was Dr. Christian Kirke an anthropologist and electrolytes specialist but he could not help to the team because he was sick. There were many scientist involved on the Wildfire scientific team studying the unknown strain it was composed of Dr. Jeremy Stone, bacteriologist specialist; Dr. Peter Leavitt, disease pathology; Dr. Charles Burton, infection specialist; and Dr. Mark Hall a surgeon, biochemistry and pH specialist. He

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