Integrative Negotiation Theory

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THEORY Integrative negotiation – also called cooperative, collaborative, win-win, mutual gains, or problem solving (Lewicki, Barry, Saunders, 2007) - is a collaborative process in which parties constructively explore their differences, focusing on underlying interests and creative solutions that satisfy the needs of both sides (Levi, 2007). The use of this process indicates a high concern for self and others (Rahim, 2000) or high importance of outcome and relationship (Lewicki & Hiam, 2006). Instead of using a bargaining methodology, the parties use a problem-solving methodology for resolving conflicts (Rahim, 2000). While other conflict management approaches assume the size of the pie is finite, an integrative approach assumes the size…show more content…
The conditions for use of this approach include, when an issue is important to both parties, the relationship between the parties is valued, a commitment is needed from both parties, time is available, and when issues are strategically important to achieving organizational objectives (Rahim, 2000). Based on these criteria, the integrative approach is most appropriate for settling strife between labor and management. Distributive bargaining tends to only escalate the conflict in labor-management conflicts as each party overcommits to rigid positions as well as unwittingly commits to negative attitudes and perceptions (Deutsch, 2006). However, the integrative approach enables both sides to appreciate multiple realities, as well as helps the parties understand they share common goals (Rahim, 2000). The issues are complex and thereby, a solution requires a holistic and strategic view of the overall business rather than the views of just one side. In addition, because preserving a positive relationship is essential for the organization to be effective and successful, a high commitment can be expected from both sides for successful implementation of the agreed terms. Moreover, time is available, since labor negotiations are conducted on a regular basis or planned in advance. And the outcome of the negotiation will have a lasting impact on the organization’s ability to achieve its objectives as well as on the overall success of the

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