Television Commercials Essay

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Television Commercials In my opinion, there are an excessive amount of television commercials being played. Television commercials help pay for the shows and movies that we watch. Even though I understand the benefits of running commercials on the air, it seems to me that there should be a limited amount of air time they are allowed in one movie/show. Commercials can be enjoyable, funny, and entertaining so I do not think they should be banned from television just simply monitored with limitations put on them. We are living in a time period where almost anything can be talked about, seen, or done on the television screens we have in our homes. The nature of some commercials can be very offensive to some of the viewers. I know that our children see and hear so many things while growing up that can raise questions we are not ready to answer. It is hard to keep our children away from every commercial or show that they are watching, but we can choose to allow only certain channels that do not show adult contents. Children are naturally curious little creatures that are full of questions and we need to be honest with them about what they see but tell them in ways that are appropriate for their ages. When I was growing up you never seen commercials mention feminine products, however; in today’s time it is completely accepted. This is just one example of air time that should not been played on television in my opinion. There are some commercials that can be very entertaining, and they educate consumers about their products. I do not have any negative comments about their advertisements. No matter the nature of what is being advertised, there are ways to advertise the products without offending people. I am not against all commercials and do not want to give the impression, but we shape future generations so it is our job to do the best we possibly can.

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