Technology and Social Isolation

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Technology And Social Isolation Peter Sumo Technology And Social Isolation Technology and human life cannot be separated; society has an overwhelming dependence on technology. We use technology, depend on technology in our daily life and our needs and demands keep rising. The age old rule has been forgotten since our dependence on technology, “with great power comes great responsibility” (Stan Lee “Amazing Spiderman”). We have ignored the warning signs, the mental health disorders that have reared their ugly heads as a result of our dependency. The argument for technology is the increase of criminal prosecution because of social media; social networking creates new social connections. Students are doing better in school, better quality of life, social media as a source of employment, but the negatives are hard to just sweep under a rug. Students who are spending too much time on social media sites have lower academic grades, social media is the cause for less face to face communication, social medial sites responsible for the rise in bullying that has gone cyber and the suicides from that new form of bullying. The story of Amanda embodies some of the mental behavior disorders associated with too much technology dependence which has caused bullying to go cyber. Now if you have self-esteem issues it becomes broadcasted around the country by the click of a button. When she was in the 7th grade, Amanda met a man in an online chat room who talked her into flashing him her breasts. A year later, the man contacted her on Facebook and asked her to 'put on a show' for him. He threatened to release a picture of her to everyone she knew if she did not comply with his wishes. He knew her address, her name, where she went to school,
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