Are the Positive Effects That Social Media Has on Society, in Particular, the Communication Aspects, Enough to Outweigh the Negative Ones

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Living in an age where social media has only recently been introduced, people are still struggling to understand whether it does more harm than good. While the capacity of social media is phenomenal, its ability to allow for misuse or abuse of power must also be considered. Far more differences are made to society than are immediately apparent to the standard social media user and to each positive difference that it provides, comes a negative one. An easy route of communication is what comes to mind when people think of social media. However it provides an entirely new medium for effective bullying known as cyber-bullying as well as stalking. In addition, the ease of communication provided by social networks is also its potential downfall; people are losing touch with real face-to-face friendships and seeing them more as a series of words and abbreviations through a screen. Further, while most people will appreciate the benefits of social media, there will inevitably be a minority who choose to abuse the privileges that social media offers. Sometimes, people aren't aware that a difference is being made, and in the case of social media, this applies, however, the difference that is being made, is one that we aren't aware of, because we wish not be aware of it. Social media is a new medium for communicating, and while some discredit its communication format for having its users being unable to convey emotion and discouraging proper spelling and grammar, these aren’t the flaws that should be scrutinised. The ease of communication of social media is undoubtedly a positive effect that it has on society however, some people abuse this privilege. Cyber-bullying is a new form of bullying, the effects of which can be detrimental and according to, results in suicide more often than schoolyard or workplace bullying. On the same website, an article

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