Teaching Religion In Public School

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As American citizens, there are many controversial issues one might face on a daily basis. A few of these topics have caused such upheaval that our government has had to step in and take action. When unable to take complete power, they at least try to provide peace and gain control of the situation. As an act of control, it is ruled that some subject matters are avoided entirely. Due to such rulings, some topics have been completely taken out of the current day curriculum that is being lectured to our children. Today, there are many different religions being practiced, those that are popular and those that are rarely heard of. The start of the first religions dates back to the Neanderthals 100,000 years ago (09Fe). Although those religions died off, many have continued on to this day such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and many more. Although they are all different from each other, they seem to encompass the same principles of life and death. Normally whatever religion a person is born into, is the religion they end up practicing during their lifetime. Nevertheless, the reasons why those decide to convert are due to the lack of belief in their previous religion. In this generation opinions are changed, sides are taken, and debates emerge. Today there is great diversity among the religious backgrounds of students; this keeps the government believing that teaching of religion should be left out of schools. It is thought that this topic should be left alone and the children should learn that information elsewhere. This is when the question is raised of whether or not world religions should be taught in our schools. The study of religion in schools is a very important aspect of educating our next generation. If this topic is kept from the teens in our public schools, they may not learn it anywhere else. This knowledge of such religions

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