Task 1: Cell Structure

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Task 1: P1 http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://people.eku.edu/ritchisong/301images/Cell_structure.jpg&imgrefurl=http://people.eku.edu/ritchisong/301notes1.htm&h=291&w=520&sz=51&tbnid=ZJML-frmxplSFM:&tbnh=67&tbnw=120&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhuman%2Bcell%2Bdiagram%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=human+cell+diagram&docid=L7qBdoES1mj4tM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=dPZNT-z8K8TL8QOaqcDCAg&ved=0CDcQ9QEwAg The picture above is of a cell structure. There are many different types of cells that are in the body, these all contain three parts which consist of the cell membrane, the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The smaller bodies that are in side of the cell are called organelles, this is because they…show more content…
A mammalian cell may contain around 40 to 100 stacks. However, between an estimated four and eight cisternae are usually in a stack. Each of the cisterna comprises a flat membrane which has a disk enclosed which also has a special Golgi enzyme which would modify or help to modify the cargo proteins that travel through them. Golgi-apparatus is packages of protien that are going to be delivered to other organelles or to from the cell in secretions. This works to create the digestive enzymes. The Golgi is also responsible to produce the lysosomes. The Golgi apparatus is an important organelle of the eukaryotic cell. The Golgi-apparatus is found in animal and plant cells and it has four structural components which are; the cis-golgi, endo- golgi, medial-golgi and lastly the trans golgi. The cisternae help proteins and cytoplasmic components biochemically react and travel between different sections of the…show more content…
The brain stem is underneath the cerebrum but is infront of the cerebellum, it helps to connect the rest of the brain to the spinal cord which runs from the back of the neck towards the bottom of your back. The brain stem is in charge of all of the functions that the body needs to stay alive and working properly. This is with things like breathing, digestion and the circulation of blood. The brain stem haas several other jobs like sorting through the messages that the brain and the rest of the body are sending to one another and to also control the involuntary muscles that are in the body. The involuntary muscles are the ones that work without thinking about it like the heart and the stomach. The spinal cord has a long bundle of nerves inside of it and it has the vertebrae that protects them. The spinal cord and nerves, which are known as the nervous system that let the messages flow back and forth from the brain and the
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