Tangible And Intangible Benefits

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Tangible and Intangible Benefits Juwan Howard had everything laid out for him at an early age of 23 years old. At this age, he started negotiating as a free agent. Because he was only 23, his age gave him an intangible benefit to negotiate and he had yet to accomplish his true career in the NBA. According to Business Dictionary, intangible benefit is a “subjective benefit that cannot be measured in monetary terms”. Another intangible benefit of Juwan Howard’s benefit was that he was a leading producer for the Washington Bullets, his fans loved Juwan and he was trustworthy in his morals in and off the basketball court. Building a rapport with the Bullets was not enough for Juwan, therefore, he wanted a raise in his salary of his contract. The Washington Bullets presented Juwan Howard with a seven year guaranteed contract to play for the Bullets but the contract was intangible because Juwan continued to stay with his “home team”. However, a tangible offer was presented to Juwan from Miami Heat; the offer was more money than the Bullets presented to Juwan in the first place, plus perquisites and bonuses that would recompense him for his accomplishment in those seven years. According Business Dictionary, tangible benefit is “benefits that are counted mostly in money”. The offer from Miami Heat also had an intangible side to it, which was for Juwan playing alongside with Alonso Mourning. Alonso Mourning was a highly valued player in the NBA and well respected. The Bullets’ and the Heats’ general manager would benefit in Juwan by presenting him a contract for seven years. Between those years, Juwan may accomplish his true career and may lead either to victory. This would be a profit for both teams’ general manager. Reference Business Dictionary (2011). Retrieved from the website:
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