TA Level 2 Sequences And Stages Of Development

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Bishop Auckland College TA Level 2 Chris Ather 1.1 Sequences and Stages of Development | Physical development | Intellectual Development ( E.g. English and Math’s) | Language and communication | Emotional, social and behavioral | 0-3 years | * They will start to learn how to have more control their bodies * Begin rolling or crawling * Sit up without support * Learn to pull themselves up and do first steps * Learn to play/kick a ball and enjoy climbing on furniture or stairs * Learn to walk backwards & to walk on tiptoes & jump | * Recognize faces and voices * Be able to sort things by size, shape and color * Recognize names and sounds for objects * Start to understand how to avoid basic hazards |…show more content…
University courses or applying for jobs | * Will fully understand each aspect of communication * Will be able to make their own presentations about a chosen subject and present it in front of a class. Explaining with good language and encouraging questions from others * Discuss more serious problems/ topics | * Young people become more self assured * Will enjoy to make their own choices and decisions, but at the same time will
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