T- Shirt Travels

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Independent filmmaker Shantha Bloemen travelled to a remote area in Northern Zambia as a volunteer for a community development initiative, her initial reaction was culture shock which prompted her to make a film about the circumstances in Zambia, Africa. In her film T-Shirt Travels she challenges her audience to “rethink or question the bigger picture of why Africa’s development is so lacking and how we can address the structural causes” (2013-1). The example she uses to expose many of the circumstances is the secondhand clothing industry. The evidence that she provides directs me to believe, that African natives lack the development to meet basic needs because their sustainable practices for survival were stripped by capitalists propaganda strategies in order to bring Africa into the world economy, only to be used at the disposal of and for purposes of protecting the industrial nation’s markets and interests. According to Modernization Theory, the way “to create an economy is based on industrial production and capitalist business practices” (207-175). The secondhand clothing industry was created because more than enough was produced for consumer societies; this industry is commonly associated with charity but in reality it is a business run by capitalists who serve their own interests. The industrial advancements that these businesses have made have inhibited competitive manufacturing with third world civilizations, as well as disrespected cultural rights and forced globalization. The Neoclassical Economic Theory understands third world workers “to be in transition from traditional to modern practices” (2007-134), but anthropologists have documented apparent resiliency of pre-capitalist institutions. One example of a pre-capitalist institution is foraging which according to Marshall Sahlins (2007-127) is a cultural choice by the people whom desired little and

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